6th class work 27th April – 1st May 2020

6th class work 27th April – 1st May 2020

N.B. Due to issues with CJFallon we have included a link to the Folens website, it’s free to access and has been more reliable. There will be screenshots of the work on SeeSaw as well.

All students
  • ·         Reading each day ~ 20 minutes
  • ·         Mental Maths 6 – complete and correct a unit
  • ·         Spellbound 6 – complete a unit
  • ·         Planet Maths 6th – pages 30 & 31 (All questions except A on pg. 30)
  • ·         Geography – Unlocking SESE 6th Class ebook Chapter 16 (All questions pages 108, 109, 110, 111)

Ms. Hayes English Group

Copy the following link onto Google search: https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/api/digital_books/1257.html This should bring you directly to the book “Exploring the Deep.
  • ·         In case you need to log in go to ‘my class login’ at the top of the page.
  • ·         For ‘my class name’ type in 6thscoilcholmcille
  • ·         For my class password type in SC2020
  • ·         We are all going to continue to read “Exploring the Deep” this week.
  • ·         4 pages per day please.

Monday questions: (pages 22-25)
1.     What was invented in 1620?
2.    How deep did the Trieste descend in 1960?
3.    Describe the Midnight Zone.
4.    What is the Lost City?

Tuesday questions: (pages 26-29)
1.     How do sea creatures survive in the Midnight Zone?
2.    What do giant tube worms eat?
3.    Explain how Mount Kea is taller than M ount Everest.
4.    Describe the deepest living fish.

Wednesday questions: (pages 30-31)
1.     What sea creatures live in the Midnight Zone?
2.    Choose four of the words on this page to put into sentences.

Thursday question:
 (Read back over part of the book, use it for your 20 minute DEAR time if you like)
1.     Write four interesting facts that you learnt from this book – in your own words!!

Friday questions: 
(Read back over the rest of the book if you didn’t finish it yesterday)
1.     Draw your favourite creature that you learnt about in this book. Write a few sentences about it.

Mr Breathnach’s English Group
Creative Writing – after reading the Geography chapter on settlements try and think of a story to explain a local place name like Dún Laoghaire. It does not have to be true.

If you are stuck try imagine setting up a new settlement, what would you call it?

Geography.  Chapter 16 of Unlocking SESE, 6th class. Title: Settlements.
This is a short but interesting chapter. You will be looking at photos of different homes, figuring out why towns are built in certain places and learning about Irish place names.
There are questions on page 108, 109, 110 & 111. Write these out please.

This week we will revise Multiplication, concentrating on estimating, multiplying decimals and using our magic zeros. I just want you to do 2 pages please,
Please look at the examples before starting.


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