Work for Mr Breathnach's class 25th March

All Students:

Reading: Daily DEAR time 20 minutes. 

Spellbound every day – continue with a new unit each week

Write a story. Here are four titles. Choose one title per week and write a short story based on the title. 
1.      A famous person I really admire. 
2.      My teacher is an alien!
3.      My favourite season.
4.      My best day ever.

Mental Maths every day – you may potentially finish the workbook quite soon.

Create a Maths trail in your home. Make up 15 questions and ask a family member to try out your maths trail. 

Gaeilge – follow the link to the games and remember to try and read the words/sentences out loud before clicking on an answer. There are 9 games to choose from. Use www.focló to help figure out what they mean.

Group 1: Ms Hayes’ Group

Busy at Maths - Revise Chapter 5 Averages (Pages 19, 20 and 21). Read the examples on page 19 very carefully.

Geography project:  Using the internet as a resource create a project in a copy about Dublin- County Dublin and the city of Dublin. Here are some facts to find out about: 
·         Famous buildings
·         Parks and forests
·         Adventure adventures
·         Stuff for kids to do
Here are some websites to help you find out information. 

Group 2: Mr Breathnach’s Group

Maths: Busy at Maths Shadow Book available free at
Units 18-25. Pages 46-57
These are all revision questions on work we’ve done in class. If you need to remind yourself, the explanations are in the normal Busy at Maths book relating to each chapter.

Topic: Light.    both about how rainbows form.

Write what you understand about the above topics after watching the videos – 1 paragraph.

Do some research to find out about sunlight and health, why we need sunshine – 1 page max.

Topic: Weather and climate.
Find out about how the following are measured:
1.      Water vapour (humidity)
2.      Precipitation (rain)
3.      Wind speed and direction

The link above will show you how all three are measured.
Read about all three, then choose one to write about and draw – 1 paragraph explanation.

All about clouds.

The following link will bring you to a great explanation of clouds, how they are formed & the different types of clouds. Read it carefully and;
·         Write out 6 new facts that you learnt.
·         Create four questions about this topic.


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